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AMINSA - Agrupación Mediterránea de Ingeniería S.A.
Areas of Activity

The activities developed by AMINSA cover the whole process from the design phase to the execution control. Previous studies, project elaboration, quality control assistance and direction of the projected works are also included in the tasks.

Transport: Roads / Railways

AMINSA has participated in the development of Road plans in numerous projects. Assignments such as information studies, basic projects, construction projects and work direction in several road sections have been carried out. Also, in the past years, we have been participating in the development of the metro and tram network in the cities of Valencia and Alicante.



From the very first years, the vocation of the company was closely linked to environmental issues. We worked on the preliminary studies of the Hydrological National Plan of 1988, developed issues related to the control of water resources –including monitoring snow resources and control of glacier equipment in the Spanish Pyrenees.

Aside from treating all types of hydraulic works and hydrological studies, an important chapter of the activity developed in this area is represented by the elaboration of hydraulic/ hydrological behaviour simulation models. We also use the most recent models, developed by other companies and institutions within the sector.



We have worked on water depuration and are currently developing studies and quality controls in periodical sampling stations (Integral Water Quality Network in the Júcar River Basin Authority, CHJ, ICA network). We have also designed a great number of sanitation networks.

We have participated in the Territorial Action Plan with sectorial character on preventing Flood Risk in the Valencia Region (PATRICOVA) and we carry out flood risk studies to determine the hazard that constitute a constant challenge in our region.


The projects of structures and/ or assistance to the direction are developed as individual projects or as part of works including these types of activities, by supporting other areas of the company. It is important to underline the elaboration of calculation models and design of all kinds of structural and computerised components with the support of the IT department.


Land Engineering

This area covers actions related to geotechnics and geology, developing them together with field work, sampling, aerial photograph interpretation, gravimetry and geophysics.

Urban Planning

We have contributed to urban development by elaborating urbanisation projects in several towns in our region, and we have directed the projected works coordinating the elaboration and replacement of urban services.

Maritime Engineering

Execution and design of maritime-port works, current studies, bathymetries, etc.


The IT department is involved in all other departments and it is a fundamental support for the development of all the company’s tasks.

The development aspects cover internal management support, accounting and basic functioning, as well as more specialised questions regarding engineering technologies:

  • Development of programmes for structural calculations.
  • Implementation of geographical information systems.
  • Development of physical-mathematical models in the hydraulics area.
  • Development of applications for database management.
  • Developments implemented under .NET technology.
C. Guardia Civil 30, Entresuelo D-1, 46020 Valencia - Tlf. +34 963 624 708 - aminsa@aminsa.com
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