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AMINSA - Agrupaci�n Mediterr�nea de Ingenier�a S.A.
Areas of Activity Transport: Roads / Railways

The actions included in the Roads and Railways area cover the whole design and execution process, including preliminary studies and planning, elaboration of basic construction and assistance to quality control projects and direction of the projected works.

The design and outline works are developed by using the most modern computerised tools, with constantly updated programmes and equipment. 

Remodelation of junction A-7 with CV-80. Alicante
Significant Works
   Study on Improving Road Safety in four accident concentration sections (Comunidad Valenciana)
   C.P. New crossing points in the single track sections of Line 1 of FGV - Valencia Province
   C.P. Conditioning and improving premises and architecture Jesús station, Line 1 Metro Valencia
   C.P. Underpass for the improvement of transversal permeability between El Saler and its Pier
   C.P. Pedestrian walk connecting urban centre of Manises with Airport. Valencia
   T.A. Traffic Management Control of the City of Valencia
   C.P. Connection of Avda. del Sud, with Camino Real de Madrid (N-340). Camí de l'Orba. Alfafar-Benetússer
   C.P. Works to improve the capacity for change on Benimaclet Station. Metro Valencia
   B.P., E.I.S. Duplication CV-222. Section Betxí-Alquerias
   W.M. Construction of infrastructure of line T2 Metro Valencia. Section C/ Alicante-Ruzafa
   W.M. Infrastructure line T2 Metro Valencia, Section Xàtiva-Nazaret, Subsection Avda. Peris y Valero - C/ Luis Oliag
   C.P., W.M. Underpass for light vehicles under railway Cuesta de las Narices - Carrer La Llum. Altea
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C. Guardia Civil 30, Entresuelo D-1, 46020 Valencia - Tlf. +34 963 624 708 - aminsa@aminsa.com
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